Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Scoping Out The Houses

Monday we decided to drive around the neighborhoods that are around us and see what houses were for rent. At first we weren't too serious about it but then we got into it. Connor was even having a blast. Occasionally we got a request for the house number to have a number for in it from him, but other than that he loved the houses. Today I started calling around and seeing what the houses cost to rent and I forgot one of them was for rent by the owner. I had fun talking to her and she sounded nice. She sounded happy that we knew the area. The house has a big backyard and a big kitchen and its a 2 story house. We really didn't want one but we might be ok for this one. She isn't ready for anyone to move in just yet. She is waiting for the previous renter to move out and then she needs to make it rentable. There is a jungle gym in the back that the owner left. So it sounds really exciting and its a reasonable price.


Anonymous said...

Please tell my spouse that we need to move. I can't take another year here. I'm going bananas. HELP US!!!