Thursday, January 31, 2008

Kindergarten Registration Fun!

Yesterday I took the kids down to Connor's school and Registered him for Kindergarten. I can't believe that he is already that age! Also, I couldn't believe how much paper work you have to fill out. I thought it would be a good idea to go to the park next to Connor's school and let the kids play so they wouldn't bother me so I could fill it all out. I guess it wasn't a good idea because every two seconds mom, he mom look at me mommy! Come play on this mommy. And then they would climb up on the table next to me and mommy mommy and then grab stuff. So we all went into the van so I could fill the rest of it out. Well, from there they precided to turn on all the lights in the van, throw stuff, yell at each other and poke each other. It took me a little over an hour to fill all of the forms! Luckily we are done with the kindergarten part. Now on to preschool screening for Rylee in March. Yahoo! Ugh. I wish it was all done.


Anonymous said...

Now you know how I feel everyday. At least I wasn't allowed to have mine with me when I registered Hunter at Franklin. So do not envy you. Lol! Had fun today, thanks for everything.

kjera said...

you are welcome! I had fun as well. Sorry I wasn't more awake