Thursday, January 3, 2008


Tonight I went and visited my sister in law who was sent to the ICU following her galblatter surgery. While we were there her husband just kept rubbing her hand and her shoulders and softly talking to her. She is kind of out of it right now. But it made me stop and think. My thought was wow after all these years of marriage you could feel and see all the love that he still had for her. I though how tender, how spiritual this was. I think I will always cherish this moment. It made me almost cry and I am not one who cries very easily.


Anonymous said...

That is amazing how after all this time, their love is still strong. What a marriage. I hope she's doing better. She needs all the rest she can get right now. Hope she feels better soon.

Anonymous said...

What's this I read about you moving? It better not too far away from me because I may just die without you. Let me know, ok?