Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Head Wounds

Everyone know how much head imjuries bleed like it is really serious. Well when your husband swings your daughter up in the air and as he is bringing her legs down. And your son decides to run under her legs. There is going to be blood everywhere. Seriously there was. Rylee had her dress shoes on when her foot made contact with Connor's head. You could hear a lot crack sound when it happened. But underneath all of that blood was a small cut. It probably needed stitches but we were able to stop the bleeding with a pull-up in the car and an antibacterial band-aid. Thank goodness for first aid kits that fit in your car! We were on our way into Souper Salad when this all happened and Connor said he still wanted to eat so we go in with his hair blood stained and his shirt covered in blood. It looked like he was in a serious accident!



Poor guy, the same thing happened at Costco with Ethan. The stares are always a plus:0)! Hope it's better!

kjera said...

ya arent the stares great! Especially since Rylee was running all over the place and starting screaming when spencer grabbed her and threw her in the front seat all while trying to hold the pull-up on connor's head to stop the bleeding.