Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring Break Is At An End.

As spring break's end draws near to its closing I think most of us moms can say thank goodness! It was nice to have some family and friend time and fun, but it was getting frustrating. When you have extremely active children its hard to keep them entertained and busy. I would like to thank our friends Winter, Danny, Justin, Brad, Rissa and Crystal for helping us pass the week. You guys made it a lot smoother and your kids really helped wear mine out. We will treasure the memories we have gained and shared with you and your families!


Anonymous said...

Im so thankful for school. I never realized why my mom hate it when we were on Spring Break until this past week. We should do more water stuff together. Let me know what you think.

kjera said...

ya totally more water stuff. I have to be more creative with what I do now during the summer cause the kids are older now.