Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Feeling Frumpy

Of course I am feeling frumpy again!! So I am always trying new ways to lose weight. For me eating right and exercise doesn't cut it and ever since I have had kids I can't lose wieght. My butt is huge and so it my chest and I can't take it anymore. I hate trying on clothes because they don't fit me right no matter what size I get. I just want to be able to go to the store, take something off the rack and put it on and it look decent. I am trying slim quick pils and I hope they work. I really do this is my last straw. If this doesn't work it looks like I am out of luck and I will just have to have a huge rear end and chest for the rest of my life!


Shelley Patterson said...

I think all of us go through that faze at the end of the winter. Just when we can start wearing less, we realize that we wish we could wear more again. Don't worry, you'll lose the weight if you really want to. It's hard, but you can. And as for the Slim Quick pills, I used them last year and they seemed to help a bit.

Elizabeth said...

All of us feel this way after kids at one time or another, I think. Before I got pregnant in 2007 I used the Alli pills along with bike rides and walk. It worked. I had got almost as thin as I was before kids. The pills make you aware of what you are eating and the fat content in it. Good Luck.

What's for dinner? said...

good luck! I was my biggest after having my daughter Kierstie and I was having frumpy day after frumpy day. I did end up losing 75 lbs but it took 2 years and TONS of exercise, oh and not to mention strict calorie counting. I tried different diet pills some worked and some made me want to throw up. Keep us updated on whether or not they work!

kjera said...

ha ha yes they seem to be working. I have had more energy to do more things that I have needed. They make me hungry at the right times but only hungry for all i need and so I don't eat a whole bunch

Anonymous said...

Does it make you feel better that I'm always feeling frumpy lately? Hehehehe When's another playdate?