Thursday, July 21, 2011

Lemon Oil to the Rescue!

So today my kitchen was bugging me. It was dirty and I had not been able to get to it for a little bit for a deep clean. Like a good scrub down. I wanted to give my new lemon oil a test run on how well it can clean. You put a couple of drop of the oil into a spray bottle of water. Connor lost our spray bottle so I had to improvise. I was thinking about what to do when I saw a recycled water bottle of dasani and saw that I could fit a spray head form my vinegar cleaning solution for glass. Cleaned it up filled the water bottle up with water and added the lemon and I was ready to go. I sprayed just a few spritzes on to my stove top that was really grimmie (yes embarrassing) And then I wiped and it all came off in like one wipe. I was thrilled!!!! So I cleaned my whole kitchen with it and it didn't take long. I cleaned my kitchen floors with it and finished the floors with Zerorez. Zerorez is a multi-surface cleaner that is electrically generated water that is put through a special process. Its amazing! I am so excited for my new natural cleaning products!