Sunday, July 13, 2008


Don't you hate when you are put in your place with your scripture study? I just opened my scriptures randomly to read to my children. Well, just previously someone had really made me frustrated and I have been working on this for sometime. It is an on going thing. Well, when I opened up it was 2nd Nephi. It is Nephi's psalm as I like to call it. It made me feel so much better but it also brought me to my knees. I have been working hard everyday to not be frustrated with this person ever since I read this. I have learned many lessons in patience. I hope I am able to over come this and I will always remember this experience.


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean girlfriend. I know all about that. We are going through a few tough things too & I get frustrated so easily about it. I know that one of these days Heavenly Father will hit me with so much humility that it's gonna hurt. Lol! I'm glad that your doing the things that you should so these lessons come to you gracefully.