Tuesday, April 15, 2008

This Weekend's Craziness

This weekend was crazy. We had family come into town and family over a lot. There were kids running around and screaming. It was fun for our kids because they had friends to play with (their cousins visiting). On they other hand I was stressed and PMSing at the sametime with all these kids. We got to go to a birthday party and then we went to Peter Piper Pizza and then on to sally's beauty supply. Then we had a hair coloring party. We called Rissa up and asked her to come because she wasn't have a good weekend either. So we colored Rissa's hair red along with is dying your hair red it dyes your natural color darker. It looked awesome. Sunday family came over again and then Monday Joe and Renda came over. By the time Joe and Renda got there my kids were sooooo over stimulated that they were grumpy. I feel bad that they were grumpy for them but at least they got to see them. My mom sent some dresses for Rylee that she made and Rylee absolutely loves them! Then Spencer's other sister had to come up here and because her husband had a whole in his heart and they had to plug it. But she is easy when she is around her kids are older and she only had one kid with her who is funny and she spent most of the time at St. Joe's with her husband. So we have had a crazy week!!!


Jason and Crystal Mabb said...

And you didnt even invite me.. Tisk tisk tisk... I'm sadden!

Heather and Daniel said...

It was great to see you Kjera! I never get to see you. Aren't a little happy the weekend is over though?

Anonymous said...

That coloring party sure was awesome. Thanks for calling me up & inviting me over that night. Our weekend was a little screwy too. I had a blast with you & Spencer's family though. Tell Dorcas thanks for me. I love my hair.