Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Changing Teachers

This year Rylee was put in a normal ed class. Well as the first couple of weeks of school started, her teacher realized that there was something up with Rylee. I had a feeling we were going to have this problem. She was wandering around the classroom and laying on the floor and just not doing so well. We were wanting her to be in the intergrated kindergarten program because of this problem. So this past weekend I get this phone call from the "IK" teacher and says that she is getting Rylee moved into her class where she needed to be in the first place and that she was going to get her occupational therapy! And even the OT does not go through she will work with her and of course we will work with her at home. Rylee has to develope muscles in her arms and hands that are underdeveloped. It was such a blessing to hear from Ms. Hatmann!! I was worrying this whole time about Rylee's behavior and we get to have an IEP meeting to hopefully put these behaviors on her IEP. Oh my gosh what an answer to prayers!! Its going to be sad to have Rylee leave her friends and go to a new classroom but it will be for her benefit!! yay!! I talked to the teacher and it sounds like its going to go through soon woohoo!


Winter said...

yaaaaaaaay!!!! She'll do SOOO much better with Ms. Hartmann!!

kjera said...

yes she will!!!