Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Yeah For School!

Even though we are going through the trials that we are going through at the has been peaceful since school has started. We are learning to love life even though we are having a hard time. Connor is excited to be in first grade and play on the big playground. Rylee is still getting over being in the PM class and is not happy about it. But its better because in the PM preschool class is where they get ready for kindergarten! So we are all so excited that to be back in school and get our routine back. Only hard thing is now Rylee gets out 1hr before Connor does and they used to get out at the sametime. But we are having a good time!


Anonymous said...

I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. We have so many trials hitting us at the same time, it's hard for me to see that there's light at the end of the tunnel. I am VERY greatful for school right now. The kids seem so much more happier now too.

kjera said...

yes dont they seem happier!!! Ya I am having some depression problems because of the finances. There is no way out of them and no way to fix them because of spencer's paycut. So I a, having a hard time with it. I know I need to just have faith that everything will be ok.